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Winter Park Flag Football Rules


  1. Boys Football Type

  2. Boys Game Format

  3. Throw-Off Rules

  4. Scoring

  5. Boys Basic Game Rules

  6. K-2nd Grade Division Rules

  7. 3rd-4th Grade Division Rules

  8. 5th-8th Grade Division Rules

  9. K-4th Grade Run Game Rules

  10. Pass Game Rules

  11. Blitzes


  1. Girls Football Type

  2. Girls Game Format

  3. Throw-off Rules

  4. Scoring

  5. Girls Basic Game Rules

  6. K-2nd Girls Run/Pass Game Rules

  7. 3rd-5th Girls Run/Pass Game Rules

  8. 6th-8th Girls Run/Pass Game Rules


  1. 6x6 BOYS/GIRLS Game Penalties

  2. Mercy Rule

  3. Playoff/Post Regular Season Seeding Format

  4. Overtime Format (ONLY IN THE PLAYOFFS)


Winter Park Flag Football Rules of the Game


  1.  Boys Football Type 

***Must be Composite or Leather Football (Says it on the football or package when purchasing)

• Kindergarten – 2nd Grade and 3rd-4th Grade Divisions will use a Pee-Wee size football.

• 5th-6th Grade will use a Junior size football.

• 7th and 8th Grade will use a Youth size football.

  1. Boys 6v6 Game Format

• Field is 25-30 yards wide and 50 yards long, including the 5 yard end zones.

• Games are six (6) vs six (6).

• Two (2) 20-minute running clock halves, five (3) minute break at half-time)

• Throw-Off – The Throw Off will start play at the beginning of each half.


     Kindergarten - No throw-offs.


     1st/2nd Grade Division- 50 yd line 


      3rd/4th Grade Boys Division - Own 15 yd line


      5th/6th Grade Boys Division - Own 10 yd line.


      7th/8th Grade Boys Division – Own 5 yd line.

• Coin flip determines choice of possession or direction (winning team can elect to defer to the 2nd half)

• Two (2) 30-second timeouts per half

• Only Two (2) coaches allowed per team on the sideline during a game.

• Teams switch sides at halftime

• Each possession starts at the five (5) yard line after scores, turnover on downs and/or halftime.


 • The offensive team has three (3) downs to get a first down at mid-field, then four (4) downs to score once they have crossed mid-field.

 • The clock will only stop for time-outs and injuries (it does not stop for incomplete passes, out of bounds, change of possession)

• The clock will also stop in the final one (1) minute of the game on

o Incompletions

o Out of bounds

o Change of possession

o QB Sack

o Penalties 

• If a timeout is called after a touchdown, the clock will not start until the play after the conversion attempt.

  1. Throw-Off Rules


• Prior to the Throw-Off, the Receiving team can line up in any formation so long as none of their players are across Midfield before the ball is thrown. Except for the Thrower, the Throwing Team is not permitted to run up as the ball is thrown and must keep one foot on the throw yard line until the ball is released. The Throw-Off will occur at the beginning of the 1st and 2nd Halves.


• A player from the Throwing Team will initiate a Throw-Off by throwing the ball from behind his team’s designated yard line based on division The Game Clock will be re-started, if necessary, when the ball is released by the Throwing Team.


• The Receiving Team, either by catching the ball in the air or picking it up off of the ground, may advance any Throw-Off.


•If the ball is caught by the Receiving Team and the Receiving Player elects to place a knee on the ground in the Receiving Team’s End Zone or the ball bounces from the End Zone beyond an sideline or the end line, the Receiving Team will start with a First Down at its own 5 yard line. 


•If the Throw-Off initially hits the ground before the Receiving Team’s Goal Line, the ball may either be picked up and returned by the Receiving Team or downed by the Throwing Team.


•Once downed by the Throwing Team, the result is a Dead Ball with the ball spotted where it was first touched.


•If the Receiving Team muffs the ball on a fly or bounce, the ball will be spotted where it first made contact with the Receiving Team.


•If the Receiving Team, drops the ball in the End Zone, the result of the play will be a Touchback.


•If the player that receives the ball (no matter where he catches the ball on the field) has his flag pulled in the endzone it will be deemed a safety with 2 points being awarded to the opposing team. And the opposing team maintaining possession at their own 5 yard line. 





Throw-Off Penalties


If the throw off team either leaves before the ball is thrown or if the player throwing the ball crosses the line before throwing the ball then 5 yards will be added to the end of the result of the play.


If the ball is thrown out of bounds on either sideline prior to the endzone and without touching a receiving team player then the ball will be spotted at midfield with the receiving team starting their possession 1st and Goal to Go.


All players on the receiving team need to be stationary as the receiving player (runner) is running down field. This will avoid any unnecessary picks or blocks. Penalty for moving picks or blocks is a 5 yard penalty from where the ball carrier was when the pick or block happened.

  1. Scoring

• Touchdowns = 6 points

• Extra Point (5 yard line) = 1 pt.

• Extra Point (10 yard line) = 2 pts

  1. Boys 6v6 Basic Game Rules

• Teams can play with as few as five (5) players. Should they fall below five (5) players they forfeit and players will be borrowed from the other team so the game can be finished.

• Snapped ball has to pass between the center’s legs 

• If there is a bad snap, the ball is dead and placed at the LOS. There is NO loss of yardage. There are NO safeties.

• Center cannot take a handoff from the QB.

• The person who receives the snap from the center is deemed the Quarterback regardless of where they line up.

 • **The ball is placed where the ball is when the flag is pulled.**

• Only one (1) player can be in motion (lateral to the LOS, Canadian football style is not allowed) at the same time.

• Three (3) Players must be on the LOS or it is an Illegal Formation. The center counts as one (1) player on the LOS.

• A receiver must have one (1) foot in bounds when making a reception.

• Interceptions can be returned for a Touchdown, if intercepting teams flag is pulled before the end zone then possession will begin where the defender is flagged.

• Laterals are allowed but if the ball hits the ground, the ball is spotted at that yard mark.

• No leaping or dives (if a player dives, the ball will be spotted where the runner left his feet)

• Absolutely no tackling or blocking (stationary pick is allowed but player cannot move)

• Deception Rule: Defensive players can cross the line of scrimmage when a handoff, fake handoff or backward pass has occurred. 

• Games cannot end on a defensive penalty!


  1. K-2nd Grade Division Rules 

• Unlimited Runs

• 45 second play clock

• TWO (2) coaches are allowed on the field for both offense and defense for (K) Division.

• ONE (1) coach is allowed on the field for both offense and defense for (1st/2nd) Grade Division.

 In this division we want to get the players lined up properly and running in the right direction. We want to be flexible with the rules and teach the players the proper fundamentals of football. 

• Deception Rule: Defensive players can cross the line of scrimmage when a handoff, fake handoff or backward pass has occurred. 

  1. 3-4 Grade Division Rules 

 • One run per possession

• 30 second play clock

• NO RUN ZONES five (5) yards from Mid Field and five (5) yards from End Zone, NO runs for extra Points.

• ONE (1) coach is allowed on the field for both offense and defense

In this division we want to encourage the teams to start focusing on passing the ball more than running the ball. 

• Deception Rule: Defensive players can cross the line of scrimmage when a handoff, fake handoff or backward pass has occurred. 


  1. 5-8 Grade Division Rules 

• 30 second play clock

• NO Runs

• NO Coach is allowed on the field

  1. K-4th Grade Run Game Rules

A play will be considered a run play, when the ball carrier crosses the line of scrimmage, or if a player takes a hand-off from the quarterback, and does not cross the line of scrimmage in the allotted time. A play in which a player takes a hand-off from the quarterback, and then throws a forward pass will be considered a pass play, and not count as a team’s run play.

• NO direct Quarterback runs (unless blitzed Only in 3rd/4th Grade Division)

• The ball carrier can spin to avoid their flag being pulled but cannot flag guard.

• K-4th Grade, the QB can HAND or PITCH the ball off to another player and they can throw the ball within the allotted time.

If/When the QB hands or pitches or throws a backward pass to another player, this alerts the defense that they CAN cross the LOS to pull the flag of the player with the ball.

• ALL grade levels have the option to throw a backward pass for a double pass. This alerts the defense that they CAN cross the

LOS to pull the flag of the player with the ball. (5th-8th grade CAN NEVER take a handoff nor run the ball across the LOS on a backward pass.).

  1. Pass Game Rules

• The Offense has to throw the ball within:

K – 2nd Grade – 6 seconds

3rd-6th Grade – 4 seconds

7th-8th Grade – 3 seconds

If the ball is handed off in the backfield or a backward pass is thrown, the sack count will continue. If the player has not throw the ball once the sack count is reached they then become a runner and can no longer pass the ball.

The sack count starts on the snap of the ball no matter what the offensive play is attempted.

• If the QB does not release the ball before time expires, the result of the play is a sack and the ball stays at the LOS.

• Forward pass can be underhand or overhand as long as it is beyond the LOS.

There are NO FORWARD passes behind the LOS. This is a 5 yard penalty and loss of down. THE DEFENSE CAN ELECT TO DECLINE THE PENALTY (THIS IS NOT A STOPPAGE OF PLAY)


  1. Blitzes

3rd-8th Grade ONLY

Each team is allowed 2 free blitzes per half on any play. Defensive players by rule should be lined up 2 yards off of LOS at snap. Any defensive player can blitz. If defense blitzes then the QB CAN run the ball. There are no run zones when the defense blitzes, which means the qb can run ANYTIME the defense blitzes.


• Player’s flag is pulled

• Quarterback directly runs the ball past the LOS on non blitzing plays

• Player’s knee touches the ground

• Player steps out of bounds

• Player loses their flag then the opposing team must touch them (one hand) down.

• Player dives, jumps or leaps; ball is spotted where the runner left their feet.

• Player is called for flag guarding. The ball carrier can spin to avoid their flag being pulled but cannot flag guard.

• No fumbles (a fumbled, or stripped ball is dead and placed at the spot of the fumble with the offensive team retaining possession)


  1. Girls Football Type 

***Must be Composite or Leather Football (Says it on the football or package when purchasing)

• Kindergarten – 2nd Grade will use a Pee-Wee size football.

• 3rd-5th Grade will use a Pee-Wee size football.

• 6th - 8th Grade will use a Junior size football.


  1. Girls 6v6 Game Format

• Field is 25-30 yards wide and 50 yards long, including the 5 yard end zones.

• Games are six (6) vs six (6).

• Two (2) 20-minute running clock halves, five (3) minute break at half-time)

• Throw-Off – The Throw Off will start play at the beginning of each half.



            K-2nd Grade Girls Division - Mid-Field


      3th-5th Grade Girls Division - Own 15 yd line


      6th-8th Grade Girls Division - Own 10 yd line

• Coin flip determines choice of possession or direction (winning team can elect to defer to the 2nd half)

• Two (2) 30-second timeouts per half

• Only Two (2) coaches allowed per team on the sideline during a game.

• Teams switch sides at halftime

• Each possession starts at the five (5) yard line after scores, turnover on downs and/or halftime.


 • The offensive team has three (3) downs to get a first down at mid-field, then four (4) downs to score once they have crossed mid-field.

 • The clock will only stop for time-outs and injuries (it does not stop for incomplete passes, out of bounds, change of possession)

• The clock will also stop in the final one (1) minute of the game on

o Incompletions

o Out of bounds

o Change of possession

o QB Sack

o Penalties 

• If a timeout is called after a touchdown, the clock will not start until the play after the conversion attempt.

  1. Throw-Off Rules


• Prior to the Throw-Off, the Receiving team can line up in any formation so long as none of their players are across Midfield before the ball is thrown. Except for the Thrower, the Throwing Team is not permitted to run up as the ball is thrown and must keep one foot on the throw yard line until the ball is released. The Throw-Off will occur at the beginning of the 1st and 2nd Halves.


• A player from the Throwing Team will initiate a Throw-Off by throwing the ball from behind his team’s designated yard line based on division The Game Clock will be re-started, if necessary, when the ball is released by the Throwing Team.


• The Receiving Team, either by catching the ball in the air or picking it up off of the ground, may advance any Throw-Off.


•If the ball is caught by the Receiving Team and the Receiving Player elects to place a knee on the ground in the Receiving Team’s End Zone or the ball bounces from the End Zone beyond an sideline or the end line, the Receiving Team will start with a First Down at its own 5 yard line. 


•If the Throw-Off initially hits the ground before the Receiving Team’s Goal Line, the ball may either be picked up and returned by the Receiving Team or downed by the Throwing Team.


•Once downed by the Throwing Team, the result is a Dead Ball with the ball spotted where it was first touched.


•If the Receiving Team muffs the ball on a fly or bounce, the ball will be spotted where it first made contact with the Receiving Team.


•If the Receiving Team, drops the ball in the End Zone, the result of the play will be a Touchback.


•If the player that receives the ball (no matter where he catches the ball on the field) has his flag pulled in the endzone it will be deemed a safety with 2 points being awarded to the opposing team. And the opposing team maintaining possession at their own 5 yard line. 









Throw-Off Penalties


If the throw off team either leaves before the ball is thrown or if the player throwing the ball crosses the line before throwing the ball then 5 yards will be added to the end of the result of the play.


If the ball is thrown out of bounds on either sideline prior to the endzone and without touching a receiving team player then the ball will be spotted at midfield with the receiving team starting their possession 1st and Goal to Go.


All players on the receiving team need to be stationary as the receiving player (runner) is running down field. This will avoid any unnecessary picks or blocks. Penalty for moving picks or blocks is a 5 yard penalty from where the ball carrier was when the pick or block happened.

  1. Scoring

• Touchdowns = 6 points

• Extra Point (5 yard line) = 1 pt.

• Extra Point (10 yard line) = 2 pts

  1. Girls 6v6 Basic Game Rules

• Teams can play with as few as five (5) players. Should they fall below five (5) players they forfeit and players will be borrowed from the other team so the game can be finished.

• Snapped ball can be side saddle or between centers legs. **(If side saddle the ball must be snapped to the player directly behind the center who is set up as the QB.

• If there is a bad snap, the ball is dead and placed at the LOS. There is NO loss of yardage. No safeties.

• Center cannot take a handoff from the QB.

• The person who receives the snap from the center is deemed the Quarterback regardless of where they line up. (Unless side saddle snap, in which the ball must be snapped to player directly being center)

 • **The ball is placed where the ball is when the flag is pulled.**

• Only one (1) player can be in motion (lateral to the LOS, Canadian football style is not allowed) at the same time.

• Three (3) Players must be on the LOS or it is an Illegal Formation. The center counts as one (1) player on the LOS.

• A receiver must have one (1) foot in bounds when making a reception.

• Interceptions can be returned for a Touchdown, if intercepting teams flag is pulled before the end zone then possession will begin where the defender is flagged.

• Laterals are allowed but if the ball hits the ground, the ball is spotted at that yard mark.

• No leaping or dives (if a player dives, the ball will be spotted where the runner left his feet)

• Absolutely no tackling or blocking (stationary pick is allowed but player cannot move)

• Deception Rule: Defensive players can cross the line of scrimmage when a handoff, fake handoff or backward pass has occurred. 

• Games cannot end on a defensive penalty!


  1. K-2nd Girls Run/Pass Game Rules


  • There is a 6 second sack count.

  • 45 Second Play Clock


  • TWO coaches are allowed on the field for both offense and defense.

  • NO RUSHING THE QUARTERBACK…unless the QB makes a handoff motion. This action will trigger a defensive player to cross the LOS and rush the QB. 

  • The QB CAN have direct runs across the LOS.  On direct QB runs, with no fake, the defense cannot cross the LOS until the QB crosses the LOS.

  • If the QB has the ball at 6 seconds, behind the LOS, the play is considered a sack and a dead ball.  The QB must run across the LOS, throw or handoff the ball before 6 seconds.  

  • If the QB hands off the ball to another player before 6 seconds, the 6 second count will continue, but the ball carrier is eligible to run after 6 seconds.  A pass attempt after 6 seconds will be an illegal pass 

  • The center can snap side-saddle or between the legs.  If side-saddle, the center MUST snap the ball directly to the player behind the center.  There are no trick snaps to other players if using side-saddle snaps.


  1. 3rd-5th Girls Run/Pass Game Rules

  • There is a 4 second sack count.

  • 30 Second Play Clock


  • TWO coaches are allowed on the field for both offense and defense.

  • NO RUSHING THE QUARTERBACK…unless the QB makes a handoff motion. This action will trigger a defensive player to cross the LOS and rush the QB. 

  • The QB CAN have direct runs across the LOS.  On direct QB runs, with no fake, the defense cannot cross the LOS until the QB crosses the LOS.

  • If the QB has the ball at 4 seconds, behind the LOS, the play is considered a sack and a dead ball.  The QB must run across the LOS, throw or handoff the ball before 4 seconds.  

  • If the QB hands off the ball to another player before 4 second, the 4 second count will continue, but the ball carrier is eligible to run after 4 seconds.  A pass attempt after 4 seconds will be an illegal pass 

  • The center can snap side-saddle or between the legs.  If side-saddle, the center MUST snap the ball directly to the player behind the center.  There are no trick snaps to other players if using side-saddle snaps.





  1. 6th-8th Girls Run/Pass Game Rules

  • No Sack Count

  • Unlimited Runs

  • ONE coach is allowed on the field for both offense and defense

  • Defensive players can rush the QB from 7 yards off the LOS.  There is no limit to the number of players that can rush the QB. On direct QB runs, players lined up within 7 yards of the LOS cannot pull the QB’s flag until the QB crosses the LOS. 

  • The defense has the right of way when rushing the QB.  The offense must make an attempt to avoid the rusher.  

  • The QB CAN have direct runs across the LOS.  On direct QB runs, with no fake, the defense players under 7 yards cannot cross the LOS until the QB crosses the LOS.

  • The center can snap side-saddle or between the legs.  If side-saddle, the center MUST snap the ball directly to the player behind the center.  There are no trick snaps to other players if using side-saddle snaps. And not to the motion player.

  •  No sack count in this division

  • If the defense makes contact with the passer while they are in a throwing motion, the penalty will be pass interference.  The offense has the option of accepting the result of the play or accepting a 10 yard penalty with the repeat of the down




Offensive Pass Interference – 10 yard penalty and replay the down

Illegal motion (2 men in motion) – 5 yard penalty and replay the down

Illegal Formation – 5 yard penalty and replay the down

Illegal Run – 5 yard penalty and loss of down

False Start – 5 yard penalty, replay the down

Illegal Forward Pass – 5 yard penalty and loss of down (QB steps over the LOS or QB throws a forward pass behind the LOS)

Blocking – ball is dead at the spot of the foul and loss of down

Leaping – ball is dead at the spot of the foul and loss of down

Flag Guarding (including stiff arms) – Five (5) yard penalty from the spot of the foul and loss of down.

Unsportsmanlike conduct – 15 yard penalty (possible ejection)

Delay of Game – clock is stopped and a 5 yard penalty

• No Intentional Grounding Penalty


Defensive Pass Interference – Ten (10) yard penalty and down over unless it’s an offensive catch; Offense decides. 1st down can occur depending on the yardage.

Illegal Contact (holding, jams, etc.) – Five (5) yard penalty and down over unless it’s an offensive catch; Offense decides. 1st down can occur depending on the yardage.

 Defensive Holding while pulling flag – Five (5) yard penalty added to the end of the play and replay down. 1st down can occur depending on the yardage.

 Illegal Flag Pull (before player has ball) – Five (5) yard penalty and replay down. 1st down can occur depending on the yardage.

Off-sides – Five (5) yard penalty and replay the down. 1st down can occur depending on the yardage.

Illegal Rushing (before a hand-off has occurred) – Five (5) yard penalty and replay the down; offense decides depending on the result of the play. 1st down can occur depending on the yardage.

 Inadvertent tackle – Five (5) yard penalty added to the end of the play and replay down

Inadvertent tackle From Behind w/clear path to end zone – Automatic Touchdown

Unsportsmanlike conduct – Fifteen (15) yard penalty and automatic 1st down (possible ejection)

Defensive Penalties inside the 10 yard line will result in half the distance to the Goal line if applicable.



If a team is up by 30 or more, they only have two (2) downs to get a first down and two (2) downs to score until the point differential is trimmed below 30 points then regular game rules apply. The team that is behind by 30 or more points will start their offensive possession at the +10 yard line of their opponent and get 4 downs to score. If the point difference is trimmed below 30 pts, then regular game rules apply.




The number of teams included in each Divisions actual Championship match-up will be based on the number of teams in that division.

• End of season win percentages are based on the number of wins a team has in the regular season divided by the number of games played. This is regardless of the fact that the teams within the division may not play the same number of games (i.e. due to an odd number of teams in the division).

• Teams that are tied with the same win percentage due to one (1) team having two (2) ties will have the team with more actual wins being seeded higher.

• Teams ending the season with the same percentages of wins (i.e. a tie) will have the tie broken with first head to head play and if no head to head then the team who allowed the fewest points allowed during the season being seeded higher.

• Should the teams remain tied the commissioner will flip a coin to determine seeding.

  1. Overtime Format (ONLY IN THE PLAYOFFS)

• Overtime period will take place with each team receiving a possession.

• Interceptions in overtime do not result in points, they only result in the offensive team having failed their attempt to score.

• Coin flip determines choice of 1st or 2nd possession

• Teams alternate possession each overtime period

• Each team will get one play that begins at the five (5) yard line (both teams will go in the same direction) Either the team scores a TD for 6 points or does not score resulting in 0 points. (No extra point tries) 

• If after one possession there is no winner, then both teams will repeat the same play but from the ten (10) yard line. (The team that did not get to elect possession in the first overtime round will now get to elect 1st or 2nd possession)

• If after two possessions there is no winner, then both teams will get one play from the 5 yard line going towards the midfield. One play for each team, whichever teams play that results in the longest play will then be deemed the winning team. Runs are allowed on this play for 1st-4th grade BOYS only. (All girls leagues can run on any play). Similar to regulation game play.

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